What is the only thing that we cannot live without? Think think….
It is water our basic need. This human society exists only because of water. Water is our life. Animals, birds, plants humans… no one can live without water. Water is an essential component for our life.
On Nation 72nd republic day we all take a pledge to save water for future generation. We read a lot of articles in news papers and magazines about waterthon.
Water plays a very important role in our day to day life and is the most precious gift of nature. We cannot live without water. Water is used for drinking, washing, clothes and utensils. Water is used for agriculture. Even trees require water for making food. Water is God’s gift to us. It is very useful. We must not waste it. Doctors advise us to drink a lot of water because it keeps us rejuvenated. But for this we need to harvest water. Many large tanks are built on buildings to harvest rain water. The government is trying to increase the table level of rivers, streams, lakes, etc. this ground water level is very useful in villages because wells are the only source of water in villages.
But water pollution is increasing day by day. You all must be knowing the problem of water scarcity in the world. Every nation in the world is trying to save water. Many organization and scientists are searching for different ways to save water. Hydro –electric power plants run on water .71%of the earth crust is water.
Water is our life and therefore we must use water carefully. The water which is polluted in industries can be cleaned by chemical procedures. This can save water. Everyone should try their level best to save water for our future generation.
I try to save water by not using shower but instead of shower I use a bucket for bath and even sometimes when I am back from school I have water left in my bottle I utilized that water by pouring it on plants near my building, so that, this way I can save water by not throwing or wasting it.
I hope my personal example of saving water will help each and every one to follow it.
“Water is our need,
Water is our life,
Water is something
Because of which we can survive.”
Save Water, Save Life!