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Bhavans SIS’ Virtual Annual Sports Meet 2020 - ‘Fitness for All’

Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Bhavans SIS’ Virtual Annual Sports Meet 2020 - ‘Fitness for All’

Threats can be taken as Challenges and Challenges can be TRANSFORMED into Opportunities, if there is a will to do anything which seems to be Impossible to Others. Absolutely, P.E Department had decided to conduct a virtual annual sports meet themed ‘Fitness for All’ through zoom auditorium, and they executed the meet on December 5, 2020 magnificently. Students, teachers, parents and grandparents joined the zoom auditorium at 9:00 AM and the event ended at 12:30 PM.

Jonathan Zacharia Head Boy for the academic year 2020-21 offered a reverential welcome note to the honorable Chief Guest for the day SKY Sr. Professor Balachandran, director for WCSC-OSFC, who graced the virtual sport meet by his presence, the guest of honour Ms. Apeksha Fernandes who holds the India’s best timings for women in the 200-breaststroke swimming inspired the audience of young talents, the backbone of this institution, chairman, Mr. N. K. Ramachandran Menon, the Vice-Chairman of Bhavans Middle East, Mr. Sooraj Ramachandran, the Director of Bhavans Middle East, Ms. Divya Rajesh Ramachandran, the principal Mr. Mahesh Iyer, all the Vice Principals, the administrators Ms. Shaima Zaki and Mr. Mohammad Khamis, HODs and Supervisors of Bhavans, Middle East, the students, the parents and grand-parents.

The Chief Guest of the day was awe-struck at the proceedings of the celebration and he motivated all the children to excel not only in academics but also in sports. The Director Bharatiya vidya Bhavan, Middle East Ms.Divya Rajesh Ramachandran felicitated the gathering through her didactic and dynamic words.

The event consisted of 16 activities for students, two events for teachers, two events for parents, and two events for grandparents. Out of 16 events, two events were mass events called ‘Free hand drill display’ and ‘Aerobics’. Teachers had to train all the participants during the regular online classes. Parents and grandparents were also guided to practice the fitness activities.

After many steps in the selection process: screening and pre-selection, the semi-finalists were the winners of the rigorous competition at the inter-class and semi-final level. Students, teachers, parents, grandparents had to get through the selection process. Finally, the finalists had performed excellently in the zoom ground. All the winners were announced and honored with certificates immediately.

Eventually, the event turned into a carnival when the parents and grandparents started their fitness activities one by one. The audience had truly witnessed the participant’s spirit, endurance, and strength during the events. A sense of good sportsmanship by the students were amazing in the zoom ground.

The Vice Principal Ms. Albin Daisy conducted the trophy presentation and declared Tapas House as the titleholder of this academic year 2020-21. Overall Champions Trophy was presented to the house captain Ms. Nifansa of Grade 8 Aries and the house masters Mr. Jai Thomas and Mr.Jonas.

Sports is one of the most important aspects in one’s life. It keeps them Fit and Healthy. P.E. Department of Bhavans Smart Indian School, always strives to keep their students mentally and physically fit and it was very evident that despite this pandemic situation Smart Indian School never failed to conduct such physical activities through these virtual times, thus imparting the knowledge of discipline, respect, friendship, leadership, resilience, teamwork and overcoming adversity.

The Principal Mr. Mahesh Iyer appreciated all the participants for the wonderful presence and the sports captain Master Mevin Manoj of Grade XI Aries ended the event with a gratitude address quoting a saying “It’s the little things that count” followed by the Indian National Anthem. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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