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Celebrate this Magnificent Festival where Darkness is abandoned: Safely!

Akshith Rajesh Kumar , IIK Young Contributor Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Celebrate this Magnificent Festival where Darkness is abandoned: Safely!

Let me take this opportunity to let all the viewers who visit this article of mine about the Safety Measures to be followed while bursting the sparkling crackers and much more about that! Let’s together understand more vital information during this festival of Diwali.

Crackers are an inevitable part of our Diwali celebrations in India and also around the Globe. The myth of bursting crackers is related to the story, When Lord Rama returned home in Ayodhya after an exile and people welcomed him by lighting diyas and bursting crackers. This was a true moment of joy for the people of Ayodhya then.

But, safety is also an inexorable part to safe guard ourselves and also to ensure the safety of others. Never burst crackers in a congested space. Attempt to gather in an open area which has no inflammatory items around. Avoid storing the stock of fireworks close to where you're bursting crackers, to elude it going off fortuitously. Buy these crackers from only licensed fireworks shops which are legally approved. Fire accidents increase manifolds during festive season, owing to excessive use of firecrackers by people. These contain explosives and harmful chemicals which are so dangerous that no amount of precautions or safety can prevent the damage. Firecrackers contains chemicals and substances like cadmium, lead, chromium, aluminum, magnesium, nitrates, carbon monoxide, copper, potassium, sodium, zinc oxide, manganese dioxide etc. After the bursting and explosion of firecrackers, the chemical components, dangerous toxins are released in the air and these toxic components stay in the air for hours; contaminating the air and deteriorating the air quality. According to India's Centre for Science and Environment, air pollution caused by firecrackers on Diwali across India was linked to the 30 to 40 % increase in breathing discomfort to us humans. Fireworks are a poisoning hazard; if swallowed by children, adults or pets, the chemicals in fireworks can make them unwell and may cause abnormalities to their body parts.

'Say No to Crackers' Campaign was organized by some NGOs with the aim of generating awareness among the masses about the tremendous air pollution caused due to bursting of crackers. Restrictions on high-decibel and highly polluting firecrackers are a reminder to everyone on the noise and air pollution caused by burning firecrackers. So always buy only branded and certified firecrackers to reduce the air pollution and to reduce the chemicals that harmful to the humanity.

The advisable timing of bursting crackers is between 7PM and 7 AM. The apex court of India has directed that the use of firecrackers would only be allowed from 8PM to 10 PM.

When bursting crackers, you should wear thick cotton clothes that can resist sparks coming from the crackers. Clothes made from synthetic stuff such as polyester or nylon can easily catch fire and may cause severe burns or bruises to our body. Do protect your eyes and ears. You should wear acceptable protection for your eyes and ears while bursting crackers. You need to have safety goggles for your eyes and ear plugs for your ears. Eyes and ears are the most important sensory organs of our body and we cannot afford to lose them!!!!

Never ignite crackers in your hands. There have been many cases where people have gotten hurt after they tried to ignite a cracker in their hands, in an attempt to throw it an instant later. The fuse of some crackers can burn at an exceedingly fast rate, giving little time to the person trying to ignite the cracker in their hand. You need to avoid all such risky performances.

Don’t drink Alcohol or consume drugs and burst crackers. Alcohol and drugs can significantly reduce your ability to safely burst crackers. If you have consumed alcohol, it’s highly recommended that you stay away from bursting crackers.

Do educate others about these. You may be aware of the security precautions, before the celebrations begin. You can organize a meeting to inform others about the security precautions to be taken while bursting crackers. Pay special attention to children and teenagers, as they are the ones who are most likely to ignore safety measures and increase their risk of getting hurt due to some accidents caused by crackers. Keep a bucket of sand and water nearby and also a first aid kit placed at accessible distance is highly appreciated.

So, that’s all about the safety measures and precautions to be followed while bursting crackers. Enjoy bursting crackers during the festival of Diwali. But, do make sure that you all follow all the safety measures and precautions. Do even follow the rules and regulations of the Government of the Country.

Akshith Rajesh Kumar
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