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This Year We Are Not Celebrating Diwali with Crowd and Limited with Small Oil Lamps and Charity

Lian Ashraf Wednesday, November 11, 2020
This Year We Are Not Celebrating Diwali with Crowd and Limited with Small Oil Lamps and Charity

Diwali (Deepavali) is the most protuberant fiestas of the Hindu community. This day is celebrated to honour the triumph of Good over Evil. During this days, Indians decorates homes and work place with earthen lamps and worship Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi for prosperity. According to the ancient calendar, Diwali is observed on Amavasya (or new moon) the 15th day of the month of Kartik, Diwali is observed as a Gazetted Holiday throughout the Indian nation. Diwali marks the return of Lord Rama, who was the seventh incarnation of Vishnu, from a fourteen-year exile. The Festival of Lights takes place on the darkest night (the first night of the new moon) in the month of Kartik in the Hindu calendar.

The sound of firecrackers exploding is common as the noise is said to drive away evil spirits, streets and temples are decorated with spectacular light displays and colourful garlands. People light small oil lamps called diyas.

It is believed that deceased relatives come back to visit their families on Earth during this festival and the lights are a way to guide the spirits home. Friends and business associates family members exchange gifts with sweets, settle old business deals and are fortified to rid themselves of hate, anger and jealousy. Diwali holds significance not only in Hinduism but also in Sikhism who celebrate the release of their sixth Guru (literal translation: teacher) Hargobind. To Sikhs, it is known as Bandi Chhor Divas. The Jains celebrate it as the day when Lord Mahaveer, the last trithankara, attained Nirvana or Moksha.

Diwali is a five day festival that straddles the new moon, the days may have different names and have additional meanings in some parts of India, and there is enough commonality to briefly describe each of the days. On this day, it is customary for people to clean their houses, so they are ready to welcome in Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity, whose Puja is performed in the evening for auspicious day and a lucky day for buying expensive goods, though it is also a day to consider charity for those less well off. People customs on this day are about cleaning the slate before the start of a new year and getting purge of anything bad. People get up early and wash and put on clean or new clothes.

Kartik is the most important day of the festival and is the last day of the year in many regions of India. On this day, Lord Rama rescued his wife, Sita, from the malevolent Ravana and returned home after a long exile. Candles are lit to celebrate his victory, and to light his way home after the battle. In the evening, it may seem like the whole of India is lit by explosions as people set off many fireworks.

Although, there are no official records stating the origin of Diwali; among many legends about this festival, one thing is common the triumph of good over evil.

It would be apt to say that different parts of the nation celebrate this day for different reasons. The northern part of India observes this day as the occasion when Lord Rama along with wife Sita, brother Lakshman and Hanuman, returned to Ayodhya after defeating the demonic king Ravana. Since the night they came back was a no moon day - amavasya that is why people light earthen pots on the night of Diwali. On the other hand, South Indians celebrate the occasion as the day when Lord Krishna defeated the demon Narakasura.

Further, it is believed that Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi tied the knot on this day. Alternate legends also claim that Goddess Lakshmi was born on the new moon day of Kartik month. May the festival of Diwali bring peace and prosperity in our lives! This year we are not celebrating Diwali with crowd and limited with small oil lamps and charity.

Lian Ashraf
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