Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most celeb...
-- Logamithra Kumar, IIK Young Reporter
Diwali, known as the Festival of Lights, is celebrated wi...
-- Maanya Bhansali - IIK Young Contributor
Someone wise once said, "Festivals are the best indicator...
-- Joel Reju Daniel, IIK Young Contributor
Diwali, also known as Deepawali, is a famous Indian festi...
-- Malavika Vinod, IIK Young Reporter
When we say “Festival of Lights”, the first thing that st...
-- Jamsheeda Jainudeen, IIK Young Reporter
Bright light surrounds us,
Ignited warmth and love in us...
-- Ann Treesa Tony, IIK Young Reporter
Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is a vibrant celebration ...
-- Amnah Sayed, 9-A, SIMS
This Diwali shopping is vibrant and much more than consum...
-- Sanskriti Gupta, 9, Aspire Indian International School
1. Cleaning and organizing - Cleaning and organizing your...
-- Alaina Prasad, 8-A, Carmel School
-- Sufia Mohammed Jamil, 8-A, Carmel School
Diwali, the Festival of Lights, celebrates the victory of l...
-- Habel Joseph Mathew, 8, Aspire Indian International School
The air is filled with excitement and cheer,
-- Ibrahim Haider, 9-B, Salmiya Indian Model School
Diwali also known as Deepavali is the HIndhu festival of ...
-- Tiyana Lijo Vakayil, 1-F, Carmel School
Diwali, one of the most special festivals in India, is al...
-- Ruhen Anish Jacob, 5-E, ICSK Junior
In the hush of the night, the stars gently gleam,
A fest...
-- Janice.P.Koshy, 6-A, ICSK-Junior
Diwali is that time of the year when joyous festivities are...
-- Arfa Aala, 9-A, Aspire Indian International School
Diwali, also known as Deepawali, is one of the most signi...
-- Vinisha, 7-D, ICSK Senior
Diwali celebrations in Kuwait and India differ, but the e...
-- Liya Brightsun Karalath, 11, Aspire Indian International School
Diwali, known as the Festival of Lights, is a time of hap...
-- Melanie D Costa, 12-A, Carmel School
As an NRI myself, I find celebrating Diwali in a foreig...
-- M.Shivani, 10, Indian Learners’ Own Academy
The word for “Diwali’’ comes from the Sanskrit word, “Deep...
-- Antonio Yacob Jophy, 6-A, Aspire Indian International School
We usually celebrate Diwali at night,
Exploding firecrac...
-- Rachel, 2, Indian Learners’ Own Academy
As twilight descends, we light our diyas bright,
-- Mohammed Saad Iftekhar Nanthargi, 3, Indian Learners’ Own Academy
Diwali, the festival of lights is a time to celebrate and...
-- Joel Jeenraj, XI, Indian Learners Own Academy
Diwali is a transformative festival that represents the v...
-- Anlyn Maria Jophy, 11, Aspire Indian International School
The lighting of diyas is one of the most iconic practices...
-- Humaira Khan, 6, Indian Learners’ Own Academy
Diwali is India’s biggest and most important festival . D...
-- Gayathri Arun, 6, Indian Learners’ Own Academy
Indians outside India known as the Indian diaspora maintain...
-- S.Anantha Narayanan Nair, 10, Aspire Indian International School
Diwali, the festival of light,
Is where my camera comes ...
-- Elna Abraham George, 11, Indian Learners’ Own Academy
Diwali is a famous festival celebrated by the people in Ind...
-- Jeron Jaison, 10, Aspire Indian International School
Shopping during Diwali is less of a task and more of an a...
-- Anagha Panicker, 12-C, FAIPS-DPS
The night is calm, the stars shine low, yet on the earth a ...
-- Alvina Paulachan Alangattukaran, 8-E, Carmel School
DIWALI, a beautiful symbol of light and hope,
Bringing the...
-- Jessica Jacob, 5-B, SIMS
Diwali is a transformative festival that represents the v...
-- Anlyn Jophy, 11, AIIS
Diwali, the great festival of light and liberty, is a nev...
-- Ruturaj Avinash Jadhav, 9-A, Aspire Indian International School
When you think of Diwali, you might picture colorful rang...
-- Hana Muneer, 12-I, ICSK-Senior
DIWALI, a beautiful symbol of light and hope,
Bringing the...
-- Jessica Jacob, V-B, SIMS
Festival of Lights brightens’ dear and near ones,
-- Rebecca Sara Jacob, X-B, SIMS
Thinking about Diwali, I envision a night in the velvet s...
-- Jewel Joe Manamthadam, ICSK Khaitan
"As we work our way to create light for others, we natura...
-- Aleena Elza Bijo, 11, ICSK Khaitan
Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most widel...
-- Ayesha Kamaludin, 9, ICSK Khaitan
Inside that night time every home would glow, every stree...
-- Khader Baig, 11-A, ICSK Khaitan
Diwali, the "Festival of Lights," is a cherished celebratio...
-- Alexander Abraham, 7-D,
A festival of light...
“Evil got rid from the world
-- K.Teertha, 3-B, Aspire Indian International School
Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is not only a time for pray...
-- Emaan Sarfaraz, 7-A, Carmel School
Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is one of the most importan...
-- Deon Dominic, 8-C, Carmel School
Diwali, often called the Festival of Lights, is a major Hin...
-- Angel Mary Joseph, 8-C, Carmel School
Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is one of the most celebrat...
-- Insiya Shabbir Ghadiali, 8-A, Carmel School
Diwali is the most awaited festival of India.It is a major ...
-- Risha Jessica Pinto, 8-A, Carmel School
Decorated homes and vibrant streets.
Kitchens filled with ...
-- Angelin Ann Anu, 8-C, Carmel School
A Festival of Light, Joy, and Togetherness
"Diwali, the fe...
-- Diya Rajakumar, 9-D, IIS-Mangaf
1) Significance in Hinduism and Indian Culture:
Diwali, or...
-- Aashita Upadhyay, 11-C, ICSK Senior
Far away in those militant trenches,
Sits a group of sold...
-- Daris Basheer, 10-E, Indian Community School
The world awakens to a sacred glow,
As Diwali’s lights in ...
-- Zehaan Kalangutkar, 10-F, ICSK
Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is one of the...
-- Rakshan Noorul Nazer, 3-E, ICSK-Amman
Millions of Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) living abroad Diwal...
-- Rakshan Noorul Nazer, 9-D, ICSK Senior
आई दिवाली, आई दिवाली
खुशियों का पर्व लेकर, आई दिवाली।
-- Aarnav Sagar Savant, 7-C, United International Indian School
Diwali, the Festival of Lights, holds a lot of importance f...
-- Anavadhya Sajeev Kumar, 12-A, Carmel School
Diwali, or the Festival of Lights, is one of the most impor...
-- Joanna Elsa Sony, 12-F, ICSK Senior
-- Angelin Ann Anu, 8-C, Carmel School
-- Risha Jessica Pinto, 8-A, Carmel School
Millions of Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) living abroad Diw...
-- Rakshan Noorul Nazer, IX-D, ICSK-Senior
Far away in those militant trenches,
Sits a group of so...
-- Daris Basheer, X-E, ICSK
Celebratory occasions like Diwali often involve the excit...
-- Gautham Raj, 10-A, Aspire Indian International School
Diwali is celebrated on no-moon night in the hindu-month of...
-- Naazish Kagzi, 6-A, Carmel School