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Anand Gopan
(19 articles published)

I am Anand Gopan 9th standard student studying in United Indian School. My hobbies are Reading, Writing and watching movies. I am practicing Tabala, Drawing and Painting. In Sports I like to play Cricket and Basketball. I have participated and won Various Athletics Competitions, Drawing competition, Basketball tournaments, Quiz competitions, Essay writing & Oration competition.

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Article posted By Anand Gopan
Influence of Social Networking in day-today Life
Social networking has come as “Great Revolution” in our social lives. Once people who were afraid or shy of sharing their thoughts or making friendsh...
My Beautiful Onam Memories
As I was born and bought up in Kuwait, I did not know what actually Onam was and what the real taste of Onam was. I and my family used to celebrate O...
We Won’t Forget You London, Never Ever
It's been a long four years after the Closing Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics 2008. From then onwards all eyes were on London, the city to host the ...
India’s Glorious 66th Birthday
India is a country full of diversities in landscapes, cultures, religions and languages. We too celebrate various festivals, both Cultural and Nation...
UEFA Euro 2012 - Review
The past one month was really thrilling as it was the time of UEFA Euro 2012. Many of us used to stay up late at nights to watch those exciting match...
Should Exams Be Abolished Or Not…
Before discussing about exams, let’s talk about a person who is not familiar to many of us. It’s Henry Fishy. He was the first to invent exams in the...
Holidays - Time To Enjoy
There is one thing in the world which all of us will be liking and wanting for. No matter who we are, how aged we are, our like for this thing partic...
If it's a camp, then it should be like this...
Thanima [The Human And Nostalgic Interaction Of Malyalees Abroad] organized it’s 7th Venal Thanima camp namely, VENAL THANIMA 2012 from 8-10 June at...
How to be a Good Student
Education is very important in our life. We will never be a good citizen without proper education. Every student wants to be a good student. Here ar...
Just Imagine If ‘Charles Babbage’ Wouldn’t Have Found This…
In this fast developing and globalizing modern world, we come across many things. Within that, I think having computers is really important. Just thi...
Very Essential, But lacks
We human beings follow many things in our life. We follow certain rules and regulations, code and conduct, cleanliness and so many other things. We e...
A Rising Headache For The Modern World
Now a days, pollution is a major matter of concern. Pollution is nothing but the contamination of various mediums by harmful substances and unwante...
Charismatic Power of Lines and Dots
I got an opportunity through as the Young Reporter from Indians in Kuwait to meet Mr.Kondal Raj during the Exhibition which was held on 6th April to ...
Famous Indian painter Kondal Raj’s Art Exhibition begins in Kuwait
A renowned artist and art teacher in Kuwait, Mr. Kondal Raj of S.S. Manian Art Foundation is holding an Art Exhibition titled ‘Impressions & Expressi...
Importance of Reading
Learning to read is an important skill every child must develop to be successful in school. These days instead of reading books, many children spend ...
Value of Sports and Games in Modern Mechanical Life
'A sound mind in a sound body' goes the saying. Sports and Games have a major role in our fast modern mechanical life as they help in maintaining a f...
Two and Half Hours of Pin Drop Silence with undefined sense of Music
January 20th 2012 an unforgettable day for me ! The Credit goes to NSS Kuwait, they celebrated 135th Birth day of their founder Bharata Kesari Padma...
63rd Republic Day Celebration
26th January 1950 is one of the most important days in Indian history as it was on this day the constitution of India came into force and India becam...
My First Experience with Kuwait National Museum and Planetarium
National Service Society (NSS) Kuwait conducted a visit on June 6, 2011 to the Kuwait National Museum and Planetarium for the Balasamajam members. I...

IIK Young Reporter

IIK introduces a unique program “IIK Young Reporter” to encourage the writing skill for the young students from the community. Any student with a passion for creative writing and a little bit of interest in journalism and community activities can be a part of this program. Student from 6th standard to 12th standard studying in Schools here in Kuwait can be a part of this unique program. Click Here to register.

Logamithra Kumar
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made remarkable strides in recent years, transforming various aspects of our lives. One of the most intriguing and...
Manna Mariam Shibu
From a hole of a window Stays unnoticed, like a shadow Sees the boys, and their world Can’t be as them, because I’m a girl? Their hands for s...
Malavika Vinod
Energy conservation is the effort of preventing wasteful use of energy sources. This can be done by systematic use of energy, which helps in decrea...
Mohammed Umar Saad
It was after the Second World War. It was Cold War time. Once allies, USA and USSR, were now fighting among themselves. Around this very time, the ...
Sumaiyya Fatmi
When we drive on clean roads and highways and spend the weekend by the fresh sea, we feel calm and relaxed. And if these places are full of garbage, ...
Sumaiyya Fatmi
Do you remember the last time you had a good laugh? As we get older, we get busied with the roles we have to play and the duties we have to ful...
Noel Sajan
Environment Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting sustainable practices. It was established by the Uni...
Gladys Karen
Are you tremendously bored during this summer? Have you run out of things to do? Here are 5 WAYS to beat the heat and enjoy yourselves thoroughly! ...
Leah Ann Saji
A fatigued body and mind, yet not ready to give up. As what to earn is much more valuable than to give up. Sometimes the hurdles will try to ...
Ann Treesa Tony
“Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it.” As we grow older, our life gets difficult which is true but worth enjoying only if one finds t...
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