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Reine Mary John
(2 articles published)

Hello there! My name is Reine Mary John and I study in Indian Educational School. If you know me, you should know that I have sweet tooth and that I absolutely adore chocolates. I am a night owl who detests waking up early in the morning because unlike most I need my beauty sleep. I am a procrastinator, I will do everything in the last minute sometimes even in the last second. And finally I am a young reporter on IIK. On that note. I hope you will enjoy my articles and poems. So till we meet again, good bye and good day!

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Article posted By Reine Mary John
Diwali’s Embrace
Diwali, a festival of lights so bright, A shimmering reminder of a divine fight. Where goodness prevails, casting out every woe, Let's celebrate...
The Tricolour
Independence Day! A day that rewrote the history of our country. A day that marks how far our nation has come. And a day that will forever make the...

IIK Young Reporter

IIK introduces a unique program “IIK Young Reporter” to encourage the writing skill for the young students from the community. Any student with a passion for creative writing and a little bit of interest in journalism and community activities can be a part of this program. Student from 6th standard to 12th standard studying in Schools here in Kuwait can be a part of this unique program. Click Here to register.

Logamithra Kumar
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made remarkable strides in recent years, transforming various aspects of our lives. One of the most intriguing and...
Manna Mariam Shibu
From a hole of a window Stays unnoticed, like a shadow Sees the boys, and their world Can’t be as them, because I’m a girl? Their hands for s...
Malavika Vinod
Energy conservation is the effort of preventing wasteful use of energy sources. This can be done by systematic use of energy, which helps in decrea...
Mohammed Umar Saad
It was after the Second World War. It was Cold War time. Once allies, USA and USSR, were now fighting among themselves. Around this very time, the ...
Sumaiyya Fatmi
When we drive on clean roads and highways and spend the weekend by the fresh sea, we feel calm and relaxed. And if these places are full of garbage, ...
Sumaiyya Fatmi
Do you remember the last time you had a good laugh? As we get older, we get busied with the roles we have to play and the duties we have to ful...
Noel Sajan
Environment Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting sustainable practices. It was established by the Uni...
Gladys Karen
Are you tremendously bored during this summer? Have you run out of things to do? Here are 5 WAYS to beat the heat and enjoy yourselves thoroughly! ...
Leah Ann Saji
A fatigued body and mind, yet not ready to give up. As what to earn is much more valuable than to give up. Sometimes the hurdles will try to ...
Ann Treesa Tony
“Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it.” As we grow older, our life gets difficult which is true but worth enjoying only if one finds t...
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