Hello there! My name is Reine Mary John and I study in Indian Educational School. If you know me, you should know that I have sweet tooth and that I absolutely adore chocolates. I am a night owl who detests waking up early in the morning because unlike most I need my beauty sleep. I am a procrastinator, I will do everything in the last minute sometimes even in the last second. And finally I am a young reporter on IIK. On that note. I hope you will enjoy my articles and poems. So till we meet again, good bye and good day!
IIK introduces a unique program “IIK Young Reporter” to encourage the writing skill for the young students from the community. Any student with a passion for creative writing and a little bit of interest in journalism and community activities can be a part of this program. Student from 6th standard to 12th standard studying in Schools here in Kuwait can be a part of this unique program. Click Here to register.