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The Beauty Of Garden is a Joy For Ever

Ramya Teja Sunday, February 9, 2014
The Beauty Of Garden is  a Joy For Ever

Man evolved from the nature .Hence, Harmony with nature has always been fruitful to mankind. From time immemorial, Human beings derived their food, clothing, shelter and livelihood from the trees, plants and animals. The advancement in science and technology, made people so busy that they neither had time for caring their health nor their nature.

We find many people saying that they are busy.. but still they find time for facebooks, gossips, video and computer games. We ourselves, sometimes feel strain, head ache, forgetting homework’s, lack of interest in studies, doing work in hurry,missing out things, feeling lazy, and so on. These are mostly due to long hours sitting in front of computers or doing repeated works, or not finding time to relax.. The strain is in our body and mind. Even, our mind and body requires a change to stream our energy.

The Best way to relax is by doing new things to break the routine work activities,. One such activity is Gardening. You feel every day new as you can see the various changes happening in the plants of your creation and hardwork. You feel encouraged to see your hands have got magic to make something so awesome.. I enjoyed and wish to share my experience with you all my friends…

My Mom, once bought some herbs, and shrubs from a flower market. There, we saw many kinds of plants, herbs, shrubs of varied colors. We spent a week end visiting, other days still needs a break…

I felt bored on Friday. She asked me to spend time with the plants. I and my brother sat collecting few bottles and boxes for planting. We prepared ourselves for manual work like digging, weeding, planting etc., A hard work for us but we loved the work which was totally new and entertaining too

We planted Money plant in bottle with water .. I decorated it inside the house and felt happy at the new look. Later, we were called to have our lunch.. Can you guess what, we forgot our lunch and the time was 3.30pm. A lot of fun, and creativity we got.

My father returned in the evening , and we shared our experience with him. He provided us with greater information’s which I felt sharing with you will make me even more happy hence took my pen to write ..

The plants, which absorb essential mineral nutrients as inorganic ions in water and grow without soil is called as Hydroponics. It provides us greater satisfaction and pleasure and North Americans consider it as a therapeutic reward.

My brother Placed some decorative plants in the aquarium.. He asked, we call fish tank as aquarium then, what do we call trees placed inside a closed area as we see in some hotels??

An aquarium, is a closed area with at least one transparent side. It contains fishes, amphibians, and marine animals. Whereas, terrarium is a small environment, where plants and animals live together with terrestrial animals of frog, lizard, and snake with soil, rock and plants with open roof. It is miniature of ecosystem.

We also find some places with both plants, and animals with pebbles, water etc it is also an enclosed area kept for raising plants and animals for observation or research. They call this as vivarium.

The next day we went to school. We planned to spend after school hours for watering the plants. I felt it is a good idea, but is there any benefit I asked my mom. To this, she added - Gardening is a rewarding hobby. She enlisted few and I am listing to help all

She said that gardening has the following advantages :-

1. Provides Physical and mental fitness as it involves activity that triggers both.

2. It helps to develop positive influence upon the human mind. In the process of cleaning - To pluck the dry leaves and throw the dry thoughts away and keep ourselves renewed with new energy and forsee for the sprouting leaves of success.

3. During time of depression, due to routine work, we get a deviated feel in gardening. We forget our boredom and worries. In the weekend we can do cleaning or planting and remaining days continue watering.

4. It provides beauty and serenity with colorful flowers that adds to our emotional health.

5. It has influence on mind, as the sight, sound and smell of a garden promote relation , provides fresh breeze, food, vegetables etc.,

6. Raking soil and planting activities provide cardio-vascular fitness.

7. It breaks the monotony of life and provides to re-channel your energy.

8. It is a worthy hobby for all age groups.

9. Do you know one thing, my mom use to talk to the trees – she feels it answers her.. even my grandmother believes it.. mmm.. especially with tulsi plants.They say Plants can Even be your loyal friends.

10. Gardening even promotes team work and allows us to co-ordinate with each other.

11. Scientifically, plants provides us oxygen.

12. Plants have always been kind to us. It also teaches us lesson of patience and ahimsa of Gandhiji.. receiving stones yet giving only fruit to the man, Even when cut provides timber but doesn’t lose its temper. It never stopped us from cutting tree still We regret for doing it When we suffer droughts now we are planting them..Such great lesson of tolerance we seek from them.

13. It gives flowers for your prayer and vegetables to your kitchen. On big scale – like horticulture, or breeding fishes - even provides you livelihood and fetches you money.

14. Gandhiji once said, By giving food you will remove the hunger of a man for oneday.. but by giving him grains you can remove the Hunger of his family for ever..

15. so friends try to spend your holidays by creating a garden of your choice with creativity and theme and tell me did you feel the joy I felt… I am sure.. You will reply me ….. c u then and all my best wishes for the forthcoming exams…Make sure you try it only in the holidays (especially summer holidays )

For More details to start with Gardening please search..

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