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Kuwaiti Amir Dissolves Parliament; suspends some constitution articles for Up to Four Years

Saturday, May 11, 2024
Kuwaiti Amir Dissolves Parliament; suspends some constitution articles  for Up to Four Years

His Highness the Amir Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah issued an Amiri Order on Friday to dissolve the National Assembly and suspend some articles of the Constitution for a period not exceeding four years.

The Amiri Order stated: based on the country's best interests, we decree the following:

Article One: Dissolving the National Assembly.

Article Two: Suspending articles 51, 56 (paragraphs two and three), 71 (paragraph two), 79, 107, 174 and 181 of the Constitution for a period not exceeding four years, during which the democratic practice in the country will be reviewed and the findings of a study will be referred to us to take what we deem appropriate.

Article Three: The Amir and the Council of Ministers shall assume the powers granted to the National Assembly.

Article Four: Laws are issued by draft decree.

Article Five: The Prime Minister and ministers, each within his jurisdiction, must implement this Order, and it shall come into effect once published in the official Gazette. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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