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New proposal to reduce number of expats in the country

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Five Kuwaiti lawmakers, Khalil Abul, Oudah Al-Oudah, Abdulwahab Al-Babtain, Omar Al-Tabtabaei and Ahmad Al-Fadhl, prepared a draft law to cut the number of expatriates in Kuwait in order to reach a demographic balance within five years.

As per report, the MPs calls to establish a higher national committee for the demographic structure to be headed by the interior minister. The proposed committee will take the necessary measures to make Kuwaitis and expatriates equal in number after five years.

However, as per report the proposal exempted the domestic helpers, contract workers who are recruited to work on specific large development projects and children of Kuwaiti women with non-Kuwaiti husbands. Currently there are over 650,000 expatriates working as domestic workers in the country. At present, out of a population of 4.4 million people, Kuwaitis make up just 30 percent, or 1.33 million.

Also, the draft law stipulates that the size of any single foreign community should not exceed 30 percent of the total foreigners in the country. As per his calculation, the number of Indians and Egyptians cannot exceed 500,000 people, or 30 percent of the expected 1.6 million expats. Currently there are over 900,000 Indians and 600,000 Egyptian expatriates in the country. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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Friday, December 23, 2016
Domestic and contract work must ask minimum 400 kwd salary.

Thursday, December 22, 2016
If there are no expats who will run the country. Anyway they have a solution. We will all just move on. Dubai, Qatar, Oman, and who will come in are Saudis. Good luck kuwait.

Thursday, December 22, 2016
I just came here to read the comments

Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Such a simple solution stop issuing visas for the top expat nationals for a year or two and start reducing their number until it reaches the required easy

Wednesday, December 21, 2016
I wonder how and why does a kuwaiti family requires so many domestic staff. I mean it would be an intriguing study to find out what actually they spend thier time doing when every bit of work is taken care by maids and maids work on machines; vaccum cleaner, washing machine, dish washer, etc. It glaringly obvious that 1000s of these domestics visas are traded for human trafficking. But who to bell the cat !! these are the actual marginal labours lurking in streets of kuwait, hiding, running, doing menial jobs and in hope that some days they will turn into proper visa.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Almost 85% of UAE population is expatriates.
If Kuwait aspires of getting any better than UAE or even compete, they must further shrink by another 15% (presently 30%)
Now how much time they need is their business.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016
do you know how many expats employ domestic help like maids or drivers?
and how many expats without servants?
and how many construction labourers?

i hear there are some expats like accountants and technicians who work in two jobs. why is this allowed when some kuwaiti have no job?

Wednesday, December 21, 2016
650,000 domestic workers is 15%!!
including maids and drivers working in expat homes?
so 30 + 15 is 45%
rest 55% expat should be reduced to 42%
Kuwaitis increased to 43%
and domestic workers still at 15%

Hary Paul
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Great ideas from 5 MPs. Other MPs must be busy devising their own strategy of reducing expats.Must appreciate their great devotion for the nation interest of Kuwait.

If I have read and understood it correctly, there are 650,000 domestics for 1.33 million Kuwaitis. That is equal to 1 domestic for every 2 Kuwaiti.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016
I think the government should focus on the progressive development of the country by using expat population to compete with other countries to attract in business, tourism, investments, and to infrastructure, rail, and thus use all facilities for the next generations of Kuwait, instead of thinking to limit the expatriates. Indian community will be NEVER be a threat for the country security in any level, but always a supportive and will be helpful for the developments. All other are due to a lack of proper planning for development.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016
The MPs are afraid to tell Kuwait to reduce the number of domestic workers and contract workers, which are mostly cleaners and laborer!

They want to productive expatriate employees to be replaced by the non productive Kuwaitis!

But not dared to tell Kuwaiti families to reduce their domestic helpers!!!

Very funny!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016
lol .. every day new proposal for expatriates

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