New proposal to reduce number of expats in the country

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Five Kuwaiti lawmakers, Khalil Abul, Oudah Al-Oudah, Abdulwahab Al-Babtain, Omar Al-Tabtabaei and Ahmad Al-Fadhl, prepared a draft law to cut the number of expatriates in Kuwait in order to reach a demographic balance within five years.

As per report, the MPs calls to establish a higher national committee for the demographic structure to be headed by the interior minister. The proposed committee will take the necessary measures to make Kuwaitis and expatriates equal in number after five years.

However, as per report the proposal exempted the domestic helpers, contract workers who are recruited to work on specific large development projects and children of Kuwaiti women with non-Kuwaiti husbands. Currently there are over 650,000 expatriates working as domestic workers in the country. At present, out of a population of 4.4 million people, Kuwaitis make up just 30 percent, or 1.33 million.

Also, the draft law stipulates that the size of any single foreign community should not exceed 30 percent of the total foreigners in the country. As per his calculation, the number of Indians and Egyptians cannot exceed 500,000 people, or 30 percent of the expected 1.6 million expats. Currently there are over 900,000 Indians and 600,000 Egyptian expatriates in the country.


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