IIK Seal a Deal - best bargain in Kuwait

Kids room, almost like new, very nice and attractive Foldable and can be extended in to 3 beds and refolded again to safe place especially if the room is small, bought new costing 180 KD
This item advertised by Abu Hanan
Sell your item here

Kids room, almost like new

Location: Salmiya

Min Bid : 60.000 KD
Bid Closes on: 1/21/2021 2:00:00 PM
Latest Bid : 62.000 KD
Latest bids
1/19/2021 11:53:29 AM62.000 KD
1/13/2021 4:40:52 PM61.000 KD
Bidding closed
Disclaimer: The product listed here is owned by the seller in 'as is where is' condition. IndiansinKuwait.com (IIK) does not hold any responsibility on the product. We do not endorse the item here nor guarantee the condition of the item in any way. It is the buyer's responsibility to check the item before taking possession.