Social Impact of tourism in India

-- Hannah Mariam Jobby , IIK Young Reporter

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

India has a lot of beautiful monuments and places to explore, and it has an impact of tourists around the nation due to its diverse culture and rich history. Most domestic tourists visit Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra is visited by most foreign tourists. But what is the social impact of tourism in this country? Let’s dive in.

First, we have to know what’s the definition of tourism. Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional purposes.

There are many reasons on how it benefited our nation-
1.On Indian society, provides financial incentives for the development of various local crafts and cultures, affecting the income of local artisans and artists.

2.In the Economic Development, the industry creates diverse job opportunities across various skill levels, benefiting both urban and rural areas.

3.Most of the positive impacts of tourism on culture include increasing the understanding of arts, crafts, dance and music. It increases the cross interaction of their local cultures, empowering host communities and strengthening cultural values.

The monuments put attraction to the tourists. They share historical facts, sculptures, arts and crafts of ancient and medieval times. Take an example of Red Fort in New Delhi- This was where the Mughals of 16th- 17th century live, the Prime Minister addresses the nation every year on Independence Day. Some monuments include Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar, Lotus Temple, etc.
Let’s pay homage to our motherland with our brothers and sisters and we feel the glorious victory of our country as it reaches the diamond jubilee of 75 years as a republic. Wishing you all Happy Republic Day!

Hannah Mariam Jobby
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