India’s Footprints on Space and Beyond

-- Mohammed Faraz Ali Shaik, 8-A, New Indian School

Sunday, January 14, 2024

India, a democratic nation in South Asia is known for its rich culture and heritage has impressive development in space exploration and technology. The combination of the scientist and engineers together make a spacecraft. With 53 aircrafts and 6 technology demonstrators since 2014, India soaring high. It is well equipped to spearhead advancement in the space exploration, satellite technology. The CHANDRAYAAN 1 launched on October 22, 2008, shocked the world by discovering water on lunar surface. It lasted and was operational for 312 days until august 29, 2009. Over the five decades, the Indian space program progressed substantially is under the guidance of [ ISRO] previously Indian space research organization previously known as [INCOSPAR] Indian National Committee for Space Research. established on august 15, 1969. After the significant success of CHANDRAYAAN 3 on 2023 which ISRO has been trying from the 21st century, it was one of the success for India. After the soft landing of CHANDRAYAAN, India now becomes the 4th country to land on lunar surface and the 1st to land on the south pole. Now the Indian scientists of ISRO were also preparing for Aditya L1 [LAGRANGE POINT 1] to send it 2 million km from earth for studying the solar atmosphere and their impact on the environment around earth. However, this spacecraft launched on 2nd September in 2023. ISRO is also known for sending the spacecrafts into space while using less money compare to others. As a development, India aims to send astronaut on moon by 2040. India’s footprints on space and beyond aims to plant Indian footprints on lunar surface. After the soft landing of Apollo 1 and the first person to stand on lunar surface and return safely again, the India’s delayed GAGANYAAN human spaceflight is aiming to fly three astronauts to low earth orbit in 2025. The Nasa administrator claimed that they will help India, if our country collaborate with them. This can be profitable for India.

Exploring the space and it’s theory is not an easy job. The hard work and dedication symbolize the country’s development in technology, and it influence our next generation to explore more. From 1969 till 2024 [ISRO] Indian Space Research Organization gave us lot of knowledge of space, discovery ‘s of the things which we haven’t taught. As India continues sensational journey to explore the space now and in future, the world is eagerly strides to watch it until the final boundary .

Mohammed Faraz Ali Shaik, 8-A, New Indian School

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