India’s technological advancements:The Lay Man’s Perspective

-- Mohammad Retaj, XI-A, Indian Central School

Sunday, January 14, 2024

India, a nation filled with innovation and great minds in every sector, has been no less when it comes to the digital advancements driving the forefront of the modern world. As much as it has brought the nation’s reputation up technologically, it has also the improved the lay man’s every-day chores dramatically.

These advancements have made life quite easy in many ways. From finances, to healthcare, to communication and the most important, information. In terms of finances, the Paytm company has made payments so much easier. Instead of carrying around a hefty wallet, while simultaneously facing the anxiety of losing cash, one can now simply take out one’s phone and make transactions with something as simple as a tap! How simple is that! Not only that, but technology has also improved healthcare significantly. So much so that it managed to bump the life expectancy of Indians from 35 to 70! Twice the life in less than a century! Now that’s some serious improvement. On top of that, it has also improved people’s mental health by allowing them to stay in touch with their loved ones through the improvements in communication. People can now get in touch whenever and wherever they are. Of course, being knowledgeable is a prerequisite to good talks. That’s also a place where India excels with its wide variety of things to know about, which has been made easier by the internet.

With all these improvements, the common man’s life has been made not only easier, but longer, and far more interesting than it would’ve ever been, otherwise. I’m confident that with all these facilities, future Indians will be able to roll out much more and make India, that much greater to live in.

Mohammad Retaj, XI-A, Indian Central School

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