My ideas to increase the image of India as a destination of tourism

-- Manal Fazal Mukadam, 8-B, Kuwait Indian School

Sunday, January 14, 2024

In today’s world, almost everybody chooses to travel and tourism as their leisure. People from all across the world come to see beautiful places. As you all know India being one of the oldest countries is also full of attractive historical places, heritage sites, and charming tourism places in various cities which make India famous for travel and tourism all over the world. To make it a better place for tourism, I would like to share some ideas on how we can boost India’s image as a top tourism destination.

First of all, we should try to promote cultural diversity. India is known for its rich cultural heritage. We can highlight the diverse traditions, festivals, cuisines from different regions. Pointing up the vibrant colors of, music, and dance forms will attract tourists looking for an immersive cultural experience. Secondly, we should also focus on wellness and Ayurveda. India has a long-standing tradition of holistic wellness and Ayurveda practices. By promoting wellness retreats, yoga centers, and Ayurvedic spas, we can position India as a destination for rejuvenation and self-care.

Improving transport facilities, upgrading accommodation options and ensuring seamless connectivity will make it easier for tourists to explore different regions of the country. This will enhance their overall experience and encourage them to visit again. Another idea is to utilize the social media platforms, travel blogs and influencers can help create a buzz around India as a must visit destination. Engaging content, stunning visuals, and personal travel stories can inspire potential tourists to add India to their bucket list. We should also provide authentic and safe experiences, ensuring the safety and security of tourisms is crucial.

By promoting responsible tourism practices, training local guides and offering authentic experiences, we can build trust and encourage visitors to explore the lesser known gems of India. Some other ideas are to improve the infrastructure, providing better management and promoting eco-tourism. Some of these ideas can promote India as a top tourism country. I would like to end with a quote, “time spent in India has an extraordinary effect on one. It acts as a barrier that makes the rest of the world seem unreal.”

Manal Fazal Mukadam, 8-B, Kuwait Indian School

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