More to Incredible India

-- Joash Biji, 12–B, Indian Learners Own Academy

Sunday, January 14, 2024

India, a country taught to be a diverse across textbooks, encompasses a population of over a billion. Cultures flourish throughout as blood that courses through veins in one body. "Incredible India" is a reassurance for people to know their choices cross boundaries in terms of the ventures and paths that lay before them. Unlike spilling a good cup of tea, an image of a country will never depreciate because of its increasing beauty, but in actuality, it raises standards and achieves heights.

Tourism is not about the tall monuments or the expenditure spent on something so materialistic but about how to treat a tourist upon arriving. To let them know that this is their second home. The people of India must prioritize not just the science, commercial, or economic status to boast about but more importantly, languages. A strong barrier is yet to be surpassed even today for tourists to realize that some adventures are still out there to be witnessed but left desolate without their presence.

Courtesy and consideration are to be maintained. Respect the guests who wish to see our beautiful home. One must be patient, energetic, and fulfilling. Sometimes, Tourism is not about the extravagant sight a tourist sees, but rather something to make it memorable for the person watching, embarked in their minds forever to keep.

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