Digitization in India and its economic growth

-- Ilma Mohd Shoaib Khan, 9-D, Indian Central School

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Digitization is the task which can convert a source of information into a digital form.

Digitization is the inclusion of advanced technology in everyday use.

Big technological change is laying out the spadework in present India and also for the coming years. It has a tendency increase in the economic ability and rivalry in a person, which can result in growth of new business and new products improving administration and reducing disparities in India. In India, digitalization is extremely important due large population, with over 60% living in rural areas. It allows greater access to the benefits and opportunities of a modern economic growth. The progress of digitalization in the modern economy of India and its impact on economic processes that determine the country's economic growth.

Digitalization has made things easier and faster as on click or blink the prevailing example is the online payments that not only help the bussinmen to sell their products but also help the buyers to save their time and money by getting better offers online,And help the government to maintain economic balance by continuous circulation of money. On the other hand, in term of education it open unlimited resources to benefit students and teacher via online platform.

More over the government of India is also prompting the digitalization to boost economic growth in various sectors. The project like ‘digital India’aimimg to connect rural India with digital infrastructure ensuring the benefits from technology. Along with the benefits there are some challenges too like everyone don’t have equal excess to technology, so effort should make to remove such gaps. In conclusion, digitalization helps in shaping the future of our country and embrace India to be digitally empowered nation.

Ilma Mohd Shoaib Khan, 9-D, Indian Central School

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