Digitization in India and its Economic Growth

-- Sonam Rabada, 7-A, Indian Central School

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Digitization and digitalization are two different terms on the same computer. Digitization means to convert and record data while digitalization is the process of developing technology and reducing manual work.

Digitization in India is growing due to its economic uses. Owing to the large population, people have to stand in line to withdraw money or to purchase things or to book tickets, etc. instead of that we can use our phone and with a click, we can fulfil our needs in an instant.

The digital revolution in India is growing in the economic status. People can save their time and use it to manage their finances effectively. It becomes difficult to manage the number of products made in a day and the price to be made on that particular day (for discounts). With the help of a digital calculator we can solve this problem without using manual calculus method. A lot of people see this digitization as a problem solving machine. This would be a great help to farmers to calculate and manage the affairs of the business.

Nowadays, digitization is growing rapidly in India due to its frequent use. Because of this technology, even remote and rural areas have an idea about the world and create businesses and make their own living.

Sonam Rabada, 7-A, Indian Central School

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