The Image of India as a Destination for Tourism

-- Saad Nahid Parkar, 6-A, Indian Central School

Thursday, January 11, 2024

India is a country with rich cultural heritage, diverse geography and historical landmarks. All these features attract tourists from all over the world.

The tourism industry is a huge source of income for any country, so is it for India. India has a lot of tourists all through the year. But I feel if India works a little on some aspects, it can be a great attraction for tourists. For this we first need to focus on where does India lack
•The Film Industry: Since most of the nation’s know us through Bollywood, it is a great idea to use it to showcase our incredible India to the world. The people all over the world are big fans of the super heroes like the Khans, so we can use it as a medium of our great culture.

•Make Tourism easily accessible: Welcome the tourist with great heart, make visas easily available and hassle – free. Use imagery, consider using the Namaste greeting (put the word in the show the gesture). Connect to your local community. Feeling welcomed is important for feeling safe in people’s minds.

•Use Digital Marketing skills: Include not only print but also other channels such as digital, social, placement, review sites, and global media – visitors can post their reviews and photos of the places visited. The challenges posted by the visitors should be addressed and necessary steps should be taken to make it comfortable and enjoyable for the visitors. It creates positive vibes around and attracts more visitors.

•Adventure friendly infrastructure: India has yet to cover miles when it comes to offering secure adventure facilities to travelers. With more and more of people need adventure and tourism, this is an essential that we need to upgrade from its present state.

•Infrastructure: India needs to improve its infrastructure, including airports, roads, and public transportation, to make it easier for tourists to travel within tourism.

Here, I remember an incident from our last year’s vacation to Lonavala, Bushy dam. The roads were uneven. We went half-way and returned as it was not at all safe and easy to walk on. So, if these things are taken care of, our country can see many tourists in the coming years as India is a home of beauty. There are many places like Kerala, God’s own country, Goa, Kashmir, Shimla, Manali and many more to its credit.

Saad Nahid Parkar, 6-A, Indian Central School

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