India's Footprints on Space and Beyond

-- Harshini Ulaganathan, 8-E, Indian Central School

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Residing on the earth has always attracted humans for a battle of exploring space as much as possible. Developing nations such as India has always dominated in this sector by using advanced technologies and resources. It all began in the year 1962 under the leadership of Dr Vikram Sarabhai, who led the Indian Space Programme. India was further blessed in 1969 when Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) was formed for further development of space and technology in India. India started its space journey with the launch of its first space satellite ‘Aryabhatta’ in 1975, which was named after the great Indian Astronomer and Mathematician of the 5th Century. The second satellite ‘Bhaskara’ was launched in 1979 which was followed by ‘Rohini’ and many other satellites. Many Indian astronauts had gone to space. Rakesh Sharma is the first Indian astronaut who traveled to space and Kalpana Chawla was the first Indian woman to travel to space.

One of the most anticipated and successful lunar mission by India was Chandrayan-3 which is poised to continue the country’s remarkable journey into the realm of space exploration. Building upon the achievements and lessons of its predecessors, Chandrayan-1 and Chandrayan-2, this mission represents a significant step forward in our understanding of the Moon and the universe beyond. India has also launched a number of Mars missions. The Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) is a successful mission, which made ISRO the fourth space agency to send a successful spacecraft to Mars orbit. India has also successfully sent many manned missions to space. The Gaganyaan-4 is the first manned mission by India which gives demonstration of human spaceflight capability by launching a crew of 3 members for a 3-day mission and bring them safely to Earth, by landing in Indian sea waters.

Space research and development has enhanced our knowledge of Earth, atmosphere and outer space. They have enhanced the quality of human life. Through space exploration, we gain a new perspective to study Earth and solar system.

Harshini Ulaganathan, 8-E, Indian Central School

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