An important date to remember

-- S Abhinav, 4-A, Indian Learners Own Academy

Thursday, January 11, 2024

26th January was chosen as the date for Republic Day as it was on that day in 1930 when the Declaration of Indian Independence was proclaimed by the Indian National Congress.

History and origin of Republic Day:

India gained independence from British rule on August 15, 1947, but it did not have a permanent constitution. The constituent assembly, headed by Dr B.R Ambedkar, worked for almost three years to draft the constitution. On November 26th, 1949, the constituent assembly adopted the constitution of India.

Republic day signifies the implementation of the constitution, which is the supreme rule governing the country. The constitution assures justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity to all citizens and outlines the rights and duties of people and the government.


The main Republic Day celebration is held in New Delhi at Rajpath, where the President of India unfurls the national flag and pays homage at Amar jawan Jyoti, a memorial for soldiers. The event includes a grand parade showcasing India’s diverse culture, heritage, military strength, and achievements. The ceremony also includes the presence of foreign dignitaries and leaders.

S Abhinav, 4-A, Indian Learners Own Academy

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