Idea to Increase the Image of India as A Destination for Tourism

-- Bryna Bittu Abraham, VI-C, Indian Central School

Thursday, January 11, 2024

“India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great-grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only.” – Mark Twain.

To increase the image of India as a destination for tourism we need to present it in the best way we can. One of the most important aspects of attracting tourists is having a good selection of attractions. For this our country or our town must have some various specialty for example historical landmarks or even family-friendly activities. For this it is essential to keep those attractions well maintained so that visitors always feel welcome.

To encourage tourism, we must have a website or a social media presence so that people from various places or countries can see a highlight about all the interesting things about our place or country. Also, these places are already well known for the nice service, tasty food and sight-taking scenery they provide. This also creates a large opportunity to attract tourist people, tourist guides and create events and festivals to attract tourism.

One of the easiest ways to attract tourism is to conduct events in our country, city or town. To attract tourists or tourism we should promote local events. Sharing about our country through social media is also another great way to attract tourists. If people want to see about our country they can see it through social platforms like Facebook, Instagram or maybe Google.

Bryna Bittu Abraham, VI-C, Indian Central School

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