India’s accomplishment in space

-- Dhiraj, IX-A, Indian Central School

Thursday, January 11, 2024

India’s legendary success in the space field was written in golden letters by the accomplishment of Chandrayaan 3’s landing on the moon.

India’s accomplishment will go down in history as, India is the 4th country to land successfully on the moon and takes the credit to be the first country to land successfully.

The fact that, India achieved this cost-effectively without any tech support from other countries will give hope to many other countries. The success of Chandrayaan 3 will make India an invincible country . This is the turning point for India’s reputation.

In 2014, India launched Mangalyaan to Mars and succeeded in its first try .India has ambitious plans for space to establish an space-orbiting space station by 2035 and put astronauts on the moon by 2040.

Dhiraj, IX-A, Indian Central School

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