Showcasing India to the World.

-- Shivani Menon, 11-E, ICSK -Senior

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Mark Twain's three month long tour to India was an adventure he found himself wholly unprepared for. As he travelled from Baroda to Bengal, he was enthralled by the magnificent sights and unfamiliar sounds of this great country. It was after this tour that he famously remarked, ‘India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history ,the grandmother of legend and the great grandmother of tradition’.

Anyone who has even been to India will agree with Mark Twain. Its sights will leave you speechless and then turn you into a storyteller. It is a place where every colour is doubly bright-pinks that scald your eyes ,blues you could drown in. The rich tapestry of traditions and historical grandeur coupled with the warmth and hospitality of its people add to India’s magnetic charm. India promises an unforgettable adventure for all those seeking a kaleidoscopic blend of history, culture and natural beauty.

To enhance India’s image as a tourist destination, a multifaceted approach is crucial.

First and foremost, effective marketing campaigns highlighting the country’s uniqueness must be carried out. We have to first ensure India has an informative and user-friendly tourism website. A positive online presence can be created by collaborating with travel influencers and bloggers. High quality promotional materials showcasing the diverse tourism packages can increase visibility.

One of the crucial factors to increase our image as a tourist destination is to ensure safety for visitors .It is also pivotal to invest in infrastructure to improve accessibility and accommodation to enhance the overall travel experiences.

It is important to encourage cultural exchange programs to foster positive relationships between locals and tourists. Our diverse festivals and traditions can be promoted and showcased. Tie ups with travel agents and the local community will help to highlight the traditions, art, music, and local cuisine during these events.

Tapping into India’s rich Ayurvedic tradition can promote wellness tourism. Efforts to endorse eco-friendly activities and responsible tourism are essential.
Lastly, creating a welcoming and friendly atmosphere for tourists through hospitality training programs will enhance the overall appeal of India as a desirable tourist destination.

I believe India, a captivating sensory marvel with vibrant colours and a rich tapestry of traditions, has the allure to attract tourists on the global stage.

Shivani Menon, 11-E, ICSK -Senior

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