British Ambassador visits ESF

Sunday, January 23, 2011

His Excellency the British Ambassador to Kuwait Frank Baker and Mrs Baker recently visited The English School Fahaheel. The English School Fahaheel was founded in 1968 by a group of expatriate parents under the guidance of the incumbent British Consul. ESF has been providing an excellent standard of education to expats in Kuwait for over 40 years.
HE Ambassador Baker and Mrs Baker were received by the Chairman and owner of ESF Ibrahim Shuhaiber,Vice Chairman Jasmin Shuhaiber,Heads of Departments and Senior management at the school.
HE Mr Baker , Mrs Baker and Chairman of the British Business Forum Paul Mc Kay accompanied by ESF Chairman and Heads attended the morning assembly during which the British National anthem and the Kuwait National Anthem were played. Students were honoured by the presence of HE Baker at the school.
The Chairman accompanied by Vice Chairman ,Head of Marketing and PR Adeeb Shuhaiber and heads then invited HE Baker ,Mrs Baker and Mr Mc Kay on a tour of the modern premises during which the rich history of ESF since 1968 was introduced to the guests. HE Baker and Mrs Baker enjoyed visiting the school and spoke to staff and students during the course of their tour.
A special Upper school Art Exhibit was inaugurated to mark this special visit at The ESF Gallery.
At the end of the tour HE Baker, Mrs Baker and Mr Mc Kay were invited for refreshments along with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Senior Management and Department Heads.


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