Collective defense against social evils is the need of the hour- Dr. Koottil Mohamed Ali

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The social evils that are plaguing our society today could hardly be catalogued,   they are uncountable in the true sense of the assertion and need to be warded off by groups with a social focus, said Dr. Koottil Mohamed Ali, former President, Solidarity Youth Movement, Kerala. He was delivering his keynote address at a public conference organized by Youth India in connection with the on-going campaign against social evils. He warned of giant  rackets which exploit the indulgence of youth in entertainment by crafting all the backgrounds needed to trap them into materialistic enjoyment and slowly into intoxicants and drugs.  The prominent social problems are alcohol consumption, drug addiction,  the escalating crime waves , religious intolerance , disrespect for elders , laziness and lateness of duty , widespread of diseases , ostentatious spending, abortion , pre marital pregnancy , elope (run off secretly to be married and usually without the consent or knowledge of one’s parent) , disciplinary problem , psychological problem , slow down development of the country etc.

The absence of any action by mainstream political movements against the social evil which have been tearing up the social fabric does raise concerns. We have been witness to the supply of liquor by these organizations in the recent local body elections to buy votes. Trading of votes by these organizations who have been speaking for democracy, is really shameful to the society.
The Govt., which Spends crores of rupees for distributing vaccines for a project to eradicate elephantiasis,  which is a very rare case in the coastal areas,  does not do anything against liquor which has been harming the social fabric and splitting many families apart. A great country like India is being manipulated by media corporate giants and the elected representatives who become an icon of all the evils crippling the society. The Spectrum case is just the last of examples. Channels and print media become the breeding ground for obscenity and all social evils. This trend among the media have re-aligned the moral values in youth and the efforts to make them the icons of all evils has to be found out and thwarted off effectively by the society, added Mohammed Ali.

When the society is infested with immorality, a socially oriented organization like Youth India cannot be just a bystander and hence decided to launch an awareness campaign, said Youth India Acting President Shareef PT, delivering his presidential address. Kerala Islamic Group President Sakkeer Hussain Thuvvoor and Vice president Faisal Manjeri felicitated the conference, inaugurated by Islam Presentation committee Official Abu Naif. KIG Vice President Shoukath Ali VP, General Secretary SAP Azad, Youth India General Secretary Noushad VV, Anwar Sayeed, Abdurahman K, KKMA representative Abdul Sathar, and Students India President Ehab Abdulla  attended the gathering. The documentary released by Youth India as part of the campaign was also screened at the event.
Campaign convenor Arshad E welcomed the audience at Mubarakiya School, Farwaniya and Fuad Shaukath recited verses from the Holy Quran and Youth India Secretary Rafeeq Babu delivered the vote of thanks.


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