A Kind and Clever Crab.

Sriram Karthik Akella
Monday, November 22, 2010

Kichy Crab and Meenu Fish lived in the same river.
Kichy was very good natured, and she assisted anyone who neded help.
One day Kikku cat arrived at the river with a net to catch fish.
After some time, Kikku caught Meenu in the net.
Tonu tortoise who was in the river, saw this.''oh! poor Menu cried .He rushed to Kichy's house.
''Kikku Cat has caught poor Meenu.Please save her,''Tonu said.
Kicky hurried to the spot and bit kikku's leg as hard as he could. "Heeyoo...." kikku cried in pain adn ran away.
Tonu opened the kikku's net and Meenu leapt into the river. "Thank you friends," Meenu said gracefully.

Sriram Karthik Akella
Gulf Indian School


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