IPS conducted Educational Field Trip to Sulaibiya Sewage

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The Class XI science stream students of Indian Public School, Salmiya were taken on an educational field trip to Sulaibiya Sewage treatment plant on 11TH and 12th of December.

The trip to the plant which has two locations- one at Sulaibiya and another at Ardia- was thoroughly instructive and informative.

The students were shown the control room that has monitors with the layout of different structures involved in the purification process. The students were informed that around 600 million litres of sewage is being produced by Kuwait in a day. Apparently the Sulaibiya plant only receives domestic waste and the pre- treatment of waste takes place at Ardia. Pipes from Ardia go directly to Sulaibiya with the waste water, which is then stored in tanks there for treatment. It is then sent to Aeration tank which is the heart of the process. There ‘Activation Sludge’ containing micro-organisms are used to treat the sewage.

The students were shown the various procedures and steps involved in the treatment of sewage, which ultimately leaves the plant as clean water.

The different tests involved in the Chemical Lab which ensures that the treatment is working efficiently, the Microbiology Lab where the health of the activation sludge is checked etc. made it all an edifying experience for the students as well as the accompanying teachers.


Read this article at www.indiansinkuwait.com