NAFO GLOBAL - Kuwait, Conducted Annual General Body meeting
Sunday, January 5, 2025
NAFO GLOBAL - Kuwait, a non-political, non -profit organization registered with the Indian Embassy under Reg. No. INDEMB/KWT/ASSN/94, conducted 20th Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) on 20th December 2024, at Calicut Live Restaurant Auditorium, Fahaheel.
The meeting was attended by large number of NAFO members and their families.
Hon General Secretary Shri. Anish Nair welcomed the members present and then the Hon. President Shri. Naveen Chingoram delivered the Presidential Address. Activity report for the year January 2023 - December 2024 was presented by Hon General Secretary Shri. Anish Nair. He also updated the General Body on actions so far done on NAFO GLOBAL. The audited finance statement for the year January 2023 - December 2024 and proposed budget for the year January 2025 - December 2026 was presented by Hon Treasurer Shri. Unnikrishnan B. Kurup.
The meeting reiterated NAFO’s commitment towards socio-cultural empowerment of the downtrodden section of the society, and pledged to promote friendship and harmony between India and the State of Kuwait.
Hon. Advisory Board Member Shri. O. N. Suresh Kumar brief the audience to the electoral proceedings/ goals and objectives/ duties and responsibilities of the respected Executive Committee members to the General Body.
Hon Advisory Board Member Shri. K. C. Gopakumar present the 21 members panel of new Executive Committee for the next two years (2025 -20226). The AGM unanimously selected a 21 members new Executive Committee (EC) to lead NAFO GLOBAL for the next two years (2025-2026). Shri. K. C. Gopakumar also presented the new Ladies Wing Coordinators Committee panel, for the term January 2025 – December 2026 to the General body for approval.
The newly selected EC members were guided through their Oath taking ceremony by the association’s Advisory Board Chief Shri. Vijayan Nair. Felicitation speeches were delivered by Hon. Advisory Board Chief Shri. Vijayan Nair, Shri. Sudheer Unni Nair and Smt. Remya Gireesh.Through a unique and a democratic procedure, the following office bearers were selected in a separate meeting of the newly elected Executive Committee: Shri. R. Vijayakrishnan (President), Shri. Naveen C.P (General Secretary), Shri. Unnikrishna Krup (Treasurer), Shri. Anish V. Nair (Vice-President), Shri. Jayaraj Nair Edathil (Joint Secretary), Shri. Rajiv Nair (Joint Secretary, and Shri. Sudheer Unni Nair (Joint Treasurer).
During the AGM, NAFO honored and presented mementos to the new members joined year 2024 and bid farewell to Shri. Renjith Ramachandran and family.
NAFO Kuwait under its new initiate for the NAFO Yuva, Kumari. Aswathy Vijaykrishnan was appointed as the NAFO Yuva Youth Wing President.
NAFO Global India’s activities report was presented through a detailed audio/video presentation by the Honorable General Secretary Shri. Murali S. Nair.
Shri. Vijayakumar Menon (Chairman-NAFO GLOBAL, Sneha Sparsham) presented a detailed audio visual presentation on the prestigious ongoing project Sneha Sparsham (SSP).
The AGM convener Shri. Jayaraj edathil delivered the vote of thanks.