Christmas Celebration at Little Castle International Preschool Mangaf & Abu Halifa
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Christmas and the Joy of Giving.
Christmas is a festival which brings cheer and joy, and we celebrate it with the same fervour, spreading the message of love, hope, joy and peace among all.
Little Castle International Preschool, Mangaf and Abu Halifa - one of the finest schools in Kuwait, celebrated it’s Annual Christmas Party along with Sharing Day this week. The school hall was beautifully decorated with bells, streamers, stockings, stars and lights. A brightly decorated Christmas tree was displayed at the corner of the hall, gleaming with ornaments of different kinds. The staff and students were all dressed in red, white and green.
The programme began with an informative description about Christmas and why it is celebrated. A beautiful skit followed depicting the nativity scene, portraying the simplicity and grandeur of the birth of Jesus Christ. The sound of Christmas carols filled the air as the children sang and danced to the classics like “Deck the Hall”, “Feliz Navidad”, “Jingle Bells” and “We wish you a Merry Christmas”, which ushered in the holiday season with gusto.
The children’s joy and excitement knew no bounds when Santa Claus made a grand entry, bringing each candy and blessings, marking a perfect conclusion to the celebration.
The boundless joy of celebration was evident in the children’s radiant smiles as they shared their love and happiness by sharing a variety of food brought from home. The festivities also included “Secret Santa”, where gifts were exchanged, and the identity of the gift-givers was revealed at the end of the program.
The director, Mrs. Mumthaz Jamal, appreciated all the efforts put by the teachers and children, encouraging all to experience the power of sharing and helping others.
It was a lively and memorable celebration, reflecting the growth and success of Little Castle International Preschool. We remain committed to making preschool enjoyable and unforgettable for everyone.
As we bid farewell to another amazing year, Little Castle International Preschool, Mangaf and Abu Halifa would like to thank and wish all a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2025!