UCMAS Kuwait Student’s win several awards at the 25th International Competition 2024

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

The 25th International Competition 2024 was hosted by UCMAS – INDIA at the North Campus of New Delhi on Saturday,14th December 2024

The tournament featured an impressive participation of 6,000 students from Malaysia, Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Canada, Costa Rica, Cote Di' Ivoire, Egypt, Germany, Ghana, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Maldives, Mauritius, Mongolia, Myanmar, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Somaliland, Sri Lanka, UAE, USA, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe. Young students as early as 6 to 13 years old are competing to win events in the various categories they competed for. Each UCMAS student participating in the competition received a paper ranging between 100-200 arithmetic math problems depending on their UCMAS level and age. They were given a time of 8 minutes to finish as many problems as they could.

From Kuwait, 8 participants travelled to Delhi India and below are the winners in different categories:
Mira Fathallah : - 3rd place (Basic level),Akshay Venkatakrishnan: - 3rd place (Basic level), Akshara Venkatakrishnan : 3rd place ( Basic level) Vihaan Jain : 2nd place (Elementary Level) Nikunj Harikrishnan Pillai: - 2nd place (Elementary level), Jouri Mohamed Kamal: - 3rd place (Elementary level), Andrew Ile –3rd place (Elementary Level), Yatharth Jain : 2nd place (Higher level)

Mrs. Annu Thomas, Operations Head at UCMAS Kuwait, who accompanied the students to Malaysia, stated, "On behalf of our Managing Director, Mr. Nandan Menon, we extend our heartfelt congratulations and appreciation to all the participants for their outstanding efforts and achievements." The competition became a manifestation of young talents' dedication and excellence, highlighting the positive impact of the UCMAS program on students in Kuwait.


Read this article at www.indiansinkuwait.com