Similarities of mythologies

Parmesh Rajendrakannan
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Similarities between Hindu and Greek mythology

In Greek mythology the gods were born from one giant and a giantess similarly in Skanda Purna ,Parvati is said to give birth to the gods as she is known as “mother of the universe”.

There are many similarities between Hindu and Greek mythology such as there are 3 main gods in Hindu mythology- Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva- similarly in Greek mythology there are 3 – Zues ,Poseidon And Hades. In Hinduism and Greek mythology names have power and can influence their destiny and selecting a good name for a prosperous and harmonious life .

Both mythology Hinduism and Greek started around 3,000 years ago. Mahasura a man-bull monster is very similar to the Minatour from Greek mythology. Ravana from Hindu mythology is similar to Hydra, a Greek monster; both of them have 10 heads .

Even though there is a God of the underworld ,(underworld in Hindu is known as Patala and in Greek it is known as Tartarus), Shiva and Hades respectively. There is also a god of death in both Greek and Hindu mythology, amongst Hindus he is known as Yama in Greek he is known as Thanatos .

According to both the Hindu and Greek mythology there is a sun chariot .In Hinduism it is driven by Surya and in Greek by Helios.

Similarities between Norse and Egyptian mythology

In Norse mythology there was an enemy god for the gods, in Norse mythology it was Loki who was the god of trickery , mischief and deception similarly in Egyptian mythology the snake god Apophis is the enemy of the gods ,who is the goddess of darkness , disorder and snakes. Both the enemy of the gods Loki and Apophis is symbolized with a picture of a curved snake. Loki was killed by the god Heimdall ,while in Egyptian mythology the goddess Bast(Bastet) ,who was the goddess of goodness ,protection, pleasure and good health she had the head of a cat and the lower half of her was woman, slew Apophis.

In Norse mythology the end of the world is known as Ragnarök in which the world will be drowned by the fire of Surtr ( A fire giant ), similarly in Egyptian mythology if and when the end of the world happens it will be drowned by the waters of the primordial god Nun.

In Norse mythology names were not used unless it was absolutely needed because the Vikings believed that names had power ,in Egypt the Egyptians also did not use names unless absolutely needed as they also believed in names having power.

We all know about one of the most powerful weapons in Norse mythology ,the hammer of Thor which is also known as Mjolnir , Similarly in ancient Egypt there was an unstoppable, undefeated and all mighty weapon which was the crook and flail of Ra, which was also known as Heka and Nek Hakha.

Parmesh Rajendrakannan
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