Carmel School - New Beginning of Academic Year for Class X and XII

Monday, March 11, 2024

To New Beginnings!

The month of March heralded the beginning of the new academic year-2024-25, for Classes X and XII. As per the Carmel tradition, this academic year started with a special assembly, organized by the senior school teachers. It began with the lighting of the Lamp of Knowledge by the Principal and the Vice Principal, followed by teachers and student representatives. The atmosphere was filled with a somber and prayerful hymn, followed by an invocation to the Almighty.

A short skit staged by the teachers brought out the problems faced by the adolescent students and how these can be handled by them. The skit underlined the power of Prayer, the unwavering support of parents and the steadfast guidance of teachers, in a student’s life.

The Principal, Sr. Christy Maria, in her message to the students, reinstated the importance of active learning, strong work ethics and the power of God. She blessed the new batch and wished them good luck.

The Vice Principal Sr. Saritha, gave important guidelines and rules of discipline. In her note to the students she commended them for their hard-work in the last term and wished them the very best for the new academic year.

The assembly concluded with the school anthem sung with pride.


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