Teacher-The seven Letter Magic

Malavika Vinod, IIK Young Reporter
Monday, September 4, 2023

She taught me my ABC’s
She helped me count for the first time.
She held my hand while I wrote letters,
And joined in when I sang and danced.

She taught me how to add numbers,
Next day, we learned about plants and life.
This angel did hold me so close,
When my little heart broke down and cried.

She taught me to be just and fair,
To accept what is good and neglect the bad.
She taught me how to smile and play,
And join hands with everyone in the way.

She taught me how to speak my mind,
She gave me courage and made me brave,
She taught me how to express myself,
With paper and pen and nothing else.

So many things my teacher has taught me,
So many, that I cannot number them all.
She’s raised me proudly, raised me well,
And calm to her mind, I’ll give, I will

Malavika Vinod
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