Kuwait National & Liberation Day celebration at Little Castle

Monday, March 6, 2023

The little children at Little Castle Indian Preschool, Mangaf celebrated Kuwait National and Liberation Day marking Kuwait's Declaration of Independence. The staff and students had a wonderful time dressing up in flag colour costumes, with face paint, badges, and colorful head and face accessories.

The entire school and its vicinity were decorated with flags, balloons, and banners to mark this special occasion. The activities included the formation of the Kuwait flag, where the children dressed in vibrant green, white, red, and black colours filled the outline of the Kuwait flag. They were seen waving balloons and the Kuwait flag in their hands, high in spirit, and chanting, "We love Kuwait."

The teachers, along with a few children, organized a special Arabic dance performance to express ‘Love for Kuwait’, which we all call our Second Home!! It was a delight to see young boys dressed in the traditional arab dishdashas doing the iconic sword dance and the girls with tambourines in their hands swaying to the beats of the traditional Arabic music.
The day ended well, with the children enjoying themselves.

The director of the school, Mrs. Mumthaz Jamal expressed her gratitude to all the students and staff for embracing this special day and the lovely parents for their support and cooperation in making this event a big success.


Read this article at www.indiansinkuwait.com