Inter branch quiz competition - SMARTICUS 2022

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Winning is great,but if you are really going to do something great in life
The secret is learning, how to deal with failure.

To encourage and boost up inquisitiveness in young minds, it is necessary to foster a spirit of enquiry. The school aims to offer an enriching atmosphere that may enable the kids to make their life meaningful and goal oriented.

ICSK Junior conducted, ‘SMARTICUS’, an Inter Branch Quiz Competition for the students of classes IV, V & VI to provide a platform for the young quizzers to explore quizzing in a fun way. The event held on 20th November 2022 was graced by Dr. Anantha Priya Vaidya – Vice President IDF-Kuwait.

Principal – Mrs. C. Sheeja welcomed the gathering and motivated the participants to enjoy answering the questions without stress.

Adding to that she said that this competition was organized to enhance one’s knowledge and the value of team work. In the beginning only, all the participants were declared winners as they were representing their schools.

The event commenced with a melodious welcome song followed by a soulful prayer song.

Altogether five branches ICSK-Senior, ICSK-Khaitan, ICSK-Amman, Indian School of Excellence and ICSK Junior participated.
Each team comprised of two participants who answered swiftly with aplomb as the questions showered on them. The quizzers went through 8 rounds, comprising vocabulary, general knowledge, audio-visual, rapid fire etc.As there was a tie for the second place, the teams had to go for a tie-breaker round. ICSK-Amman bagged the winning trophy followed by ICSK-Khaitan. The remaining team members were given participation certificates.

The children participated with full zeal and enthusiasm. They displayed smart thinking and sharp presence of mind.

The chief guest Dr. Anantha Priya Vaidya congratulated the winners and acknowledged the hard work put in by all the quizzer. She also highlighted the fact that every participant had been updated with additional knowledge. She praised the school for conducting the event in a very organized manner.

Almost an hour-long quiz proved to be not only a tool for testing knowledge but also teaching a lesson, that all can’t be winners, failure is a stepping stone to success.

The continued success story for conducting ‘SMARTICUS’ was made possible due to the combined effort of team Smarticus headed by the Principal, Mrs.C.Sheeja & Deputy Vice Principal, Mrs.Santhikrishnan.

A sapling was presented as a token of appreciation to the Chief Guest.

The vote of thanks was proposed by the Academic coordinator- Mrs. Lubna Lodhi.
The event concluded on a cheerful note as the objective was of grooming the participants and not winning the competition.


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