The Key

Kashinath Anil Nair
Monday, September 19, 2022

After playing with my friends
I returned to my apartment
It was late night
Somewhere around 10

Wanted a glass of water, wanted to rest
With my air conditioner on
And my tv too
Watching the movies of the best

Reached in front of my room
Searched for the key in my pocket
That’s when I realized I had left it at my friend’s house
And as usual I was doomed

I was laughing at myself for my helplessness
But as these unfortunate incidents were common for me...
As the weather that changes regularly
I had to go back again and find that key

Before going back, I just knocked on my door
Waiting for some reply
Even when I knew no one was inside
And my door shut lock

Heard the sound of unlocking
I couldn’t move my body, my eyes
I could hear the pounding of my heart
And I felt as if I was frozen to the deepest
A flash hits my eyes…

I had a childhood filled with my grandmother’s fictional stories
And my grandfather’s braveries
But my grandfather would always mock me by saying
My head was filled with fake stories from my grandmother
But believe me or not, the way she explained it was so realistic
And I grew some interests on it

But as I slowly moved from my grandparents
forgetting all those fictional stories
Until now, the moment I was frozen
It was like as if this horror experience occurred to recall my past
Moving through my head

I still think about it
Sitting in my room
But the question still remains unsolved
Was it real or was it my imagination
Or was my grandmother right or my grandfather
But the thing that still bothers me is


Kashinath Anil Nair
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