Teacher’s Day

Reyna Mary John
Sunday, September 4, 2022

Teacher's day is a day we have all been celebrating before we knew it. When we were kids, we would be sent off by our parents to school with gifts to give our teachers, even though we had absolutely no clue about what was going on. As the years went on, we stopped giving them gifts and barely wished them anymore. We slowly began to not bother. Thinking, 'What is the use? What do our teachers do anyways?'.

So here I am, writing an article to snap you out of that mindset. By the end of this article, I hope you will realize how truly important our teachers are.

First of all, teachers teach. I know that sounds like a tongue twister, but it's true. Teachers have taught us all sorts of stuff ranging from things like writing the alphabet all the way to computer engineering. And to be frank, I don't think I would be able to write this article if it wasn't for their teaching me. There are times that teachers also teach us life skills like tying a tie and patching up holes in our clothes. And even though we may get scolded by them every now and then, it's always for our own good.

I believe my teachers deserve an award for putting up with all my shenanigans. Teachers, including mine, are some of the most caring and patient people on the planet. We have all had instances where our teachers would walk us back home or wait with us at school until our parents arrived to pick us up. When we forgot our food, they would offer us theirs or would buy us some. On days we were tired, they would ask us if we were okay and ask us if we wanted to go to the nurses' office. When we were kids, they would tie our ties because we didn't know how to. And as I am writing this, I can think of so many more things that my teachers have done for my classmates and me. So many that if I tried to write them all down, I would be writing a ten-page essay!

And finally. I am confident that at one point, we all thought that teachers were just robots that lived in the school and had no social life. But in all seriousness, we should remember that teachers are living, breathing human beings with their own lives, families and feelings. They are just like us and can feel emotions. They can experience good emotions such as joy, hope, excitement and so on. But we shouldn't forget that they can also feel pain, regret, sadness, depression and the list goes on. So once again, I would like to repeat that teachers are living beings just like us, so we shouldn't disregard their emotions as if they don't have any.

I am not asking you to buy your teachers Swarovski crystals and gold necklaces. I am asking you to show your teachers you respect and appreciate them. I hope my article has changed your views, and I wish you a wonderful Teacher's Day! So, till we meet again. Goodbye and good day!

Reyna Mary John
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