Mother India
Sunday, January 16, 2022
In the dark moments,
When everything we felt was sorrow and pain.
You were our only relief,
The antidote to our illnesses.
With your large fields,
Lush and green.
Your happy cities,
Small and bright.
You showed us a new way to live,
And gave our trembling souls happiness and calm.
It is to you, oh great Mother,
That we pay all due respect.
You forgave us,
When we committed mistakes.
You taught us,
When we didn’t know how.
You guided us,
When we were trudging along the wrong paths.
You helped us,
When we were needy and poor.
To you we owe all our debts,
Not of money, but of joy and peace.
To you we come when we have any trouble
For we know that you will never give a ‘no’
Thank you for all the luxuries we enjoy,
Thank you for all the lessons we learned.
You are the greatest and rule each being in this world,
Oh yes, it’s you my beloved motherland,
Mother India.