Teachers’ Day at Carmel

Monday, November 15, 2021

Covid -19 truly took its toll on us all. But the services rendered by teachers through these difficult times was above and beyond. So the management of Carmel School, Kuwait went all out to felicitate them the minute physical classes began. On the 30th October 2021 Carmel celebrated Teachers Day and honoured three teachers, Mrs. Binoo George, Ms. Rita Furtado and Mrs.Greta Barbosa who touched the Silver milestone. Through a short, nostalgic programme the school cabinet showed their gratitude to the staff and the management reciprocated with a treat and a token of appreciation. Juggling between online and offline and Covid protocol is a Herculean task. Kudos to the teachers for facing it all with grace, resilience and determination to make it a success. “It take big hearts to shape little minds.” was aptly the theme for the day.


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