Bhavans IES Observes World Mental Health Day

Thursday, October 14, 2021

“If it is in mind, it matters because your mind matters!”

Not only adolescence is a crucial period for physical, cognitive, and social development, but also it marks a period in which there is a steep increase in the prevalence of mental health difficulties. Some scholars of digital media technologies claim that the influence of digital world can pose substantial threats to the health and the well-being of adolescents who are under the yoke of academic encumbrance. Mixing and matching internet and academics derail their academic and thought process completely. Hence, it is crucial for educators, parents, and most importantly students to be able to recognize these potential risks revolving around their lives. On this note, the Department of Psychology of Bhavans Indian Education School, Kuwait, organised a webinar on ‘Mental Health in the Digital World’ for the students of grades 8, 9, and 11 on October 10, 2021, at 11 a.m.

The resource person for the session was Dr. Seema Girija Lal, the founder of Together We Can (TWC) and a mental health professional with years of work experience in the domains of education, mental health, and disability. The session focused on the grave dangers and the great promise that the digital age offers to the present generation. Dr. Seema Girija Lal enlightened the students about the endless possibilities of web space in this era as well as the importance of balancing and taking care of themselves while using multifarious digital platforms for various purposes. She elucidated the causes, the effects, and the solutions for digital addiction among students by expanding the acronym of the word ‘SELF’-care. She reminded the students to focus on solutions rather than problems and to seek help when they feel emotionally low due to varied reasons. She recommended the children to take charge of their lives instead of being ruled by technology.

The event was coordinated by Ms. Preethi K. Nair, Counsellor of Indian Education School, Kuwait. The fruitful session themed ‘Mental Health in the Digital World’ ended on a serious note - “We cannot always wait for teens to come to us for help; instead, we need to reach out to them and give the information and the resources they need to support one another by holding their hands and listening to their concerns.”


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