Happy Teachers’ Day

Shehnaz Gujral
Sunday, September 5, 2021

I was a teacher,
Not by choice but chance.
A story I won’t enhance.

Slowly, I got the hang of a Black board & chalk.
Like falling snowflakes, my hair would dance,
With the lessons & Classroom talk.

Gradually, I picked up white board & marker.
Vibrant colors colored me & the board.
With fables new & old.

Hesitantly, I turned on the smart board.
Blurred I was, switching windows and pressing keys.
Sang-through believing it to be the bottom most.

Implausibly, we sailed online.
We assembled the school campus on Zoom & Teams.
Connect fast! The corridor echoes on what’s app!

Teachers are off meeting students online.
Can we be off to working online?
With hope, we will exchange the greetings offline.


Read this article at www.indiansinkuwait.com