My Snowmen Buddies
Devna S Lal, Class: 4-A, IES,Bhavans
Sunday, May 30, 2021
One winter night I went out for a walk in the hills to cry my heart out as I was very sad. I could not celebrate my birthday as my family was very poor. Suddenly I noticed a small cave and it was lighted. Curious to know who was inside, I went near and peeped in. To my astonishment, I found seven snowmen having a meeting. Can you believe that, talking snowmen! One of them spotted me and called me in. I was about to run terrified, but one of them said “Please do not be scared, come in’’. Then I asked what their names were and they replied Snowy, Softy, Melty, Popsy, Icey, Skatey and Slidey. Melty asked me why I was looking so sad and I narrated everything. Hearing this everybody’s face lit up with joy and I wondered why? Then they told that they were happy to celebrate my birthday and said that their happiest moments were when children came to snow-capped hills and made snowmen and that is how they came to life. They were sad because kids nowadays spent so much time with electronic gadgets and not in nature. They requested to bring as many friends as possible. The next day on my birthday when I came to the hills with my friends, to our surprise, Snowy had snowed on the hills for skiing. Softy had made soft snow to make snowmen, Popsy and Icey had made ice popsicles, Skatey froze the lake for skating, Slidey had made ice slides and Melty had made a chocolate cake with melted chocolate on top. We stood frozen on seeing the arrangements. We had a birthday blast and made many snowmen. We all ate and played the whole day. As it was growing darker, we had to go home. All my friends thanked the snowmen for the magical entertainment. We all promised that each winter we would surely visit and make as many snowmen as possible. I thanked them the most for making my birthday so special. This was the most memorable birthday party in the world.
 | Devna S Lal, Class: 4-A, IES,Bhavans |