Journey From a Bag of Sadness to the Life of Happiness

Ameya Hari bhaskaran
Thursday, May 20, 2021

I was a little seed and was lonely indeed, never got a chance to see the outside world. Hi, my name is Green gram. Today I would like to share about my life with you all.

For many months I was in a general store. One day a hoomun I mean a person bought me and kept it in a glass jar full of green grams. In that house, I saw my big brother Red gram in another box. I wished to hug him; a glass prevents me from that. Every day I saw a little girl, who asked me a lot of questions like what is my favorite color? How old are you? and many more. I ignore her at first.

After two days of sleep, I opened my eyes and realized that I was in water and started drinking it. I was in seventh heaven because for a long period I can’t get even a single drop of water. Later I realized that the little girl did this. Oh! My God, I began to swell. My seed coat became soft, a severe pain came and finally, it broke. I felt very sad. The next day was a surprise for me, a baby plant called “embryo” came out. It was like, I got up on the right side of the bed because people usually had a belief that if we wake on the right side of the bed good things will happen. I don’t know it is true or not

The next day that little girl came again and throws the water and put me in a tissue paper in an open container. I wondered how I can grow without soil; she again sprayed some water on me. The next day a tiny root and shoot came from my body. I said “Hi’ to the sun. Slowly my true leaves came and I started photosynthesis by using sunlight, air and water.

I was so happy to start playing games and sing songs with that cute little girl. I grew and grew into a healthy plant. But every day my friend gave me a cool breeze in the form of water and she called me "Microgreen”

Ameya Hari Bhaskaran
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