
Ann Mariya Sabu
Tuesday, February 9, 2021

“To be honest is to be real, genuine, authentic, and bona fide. To be dishonest is to be partly feigned, forged, fake, or fictitious. Honesty expresses both self-respect and respect for others. Dishonesty fully respects neither oneself nor others. Honesty imbues lives with openness, reliability, and candor; it expresses a disposition to live in the light. Dishonesty seeks shade, cover, or concealment. It is a disposition to live partly in the dark.”
— William J. Bennett

In this world where there is a “truth decay”, Honesty is an expensive gift. It’s very hard to be good , we will see everywhere wrong people win, to resist the immediate success is a herculean task indeed. Undoubtedly, the will power and strength required to not do wrong thing is immeasurable

I have seen multiple people getting better scores by cheating , when they are students who are so focused and determined might score less, but what we need to realize is, a difference in few digits of marks in a small test will not increase our value in the test called “LIFE”.If we aint be truthful to ourselves who will ? Moreover, we should know honesty is that measuring rod which determines our destiny.

When we are fair and truthful to ourselves we have freedom from pricking conscience. We know the Gandhian principle Satyamev Jayante -Truth prevails, and we know it definitely will in the long run.

Humans are baited by good things. In the attempt to try to be in good books, we try to go the wrong path at times which in turn may result in our downfall.
Your life may be going through a rough patch now, at times people may even take undue advantage of your goodness,but always remember don’t subdue to what the world demands from you and make a mark of your own.

Live by an honorable moral compass. Only our individual will, our determination to do what is right , whether or not it is profitable, save us from choosing between chaos and stagnation.

Honesty is an expensive gift, honor and celebrate it !

Ann Mariya Sabu
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