She is a Blessing, Not a Burden

Leya Ann Shaji
Thursday, December 17, 2020

A unique reward not everyone is felicitous to have;
But no one knows that she is a light of soul.
She is full of thoughtfulness and love;
Yet! She is treated like dust and dirt.

Her life is a blessing to others, more than herself;
She is not scornful about that, though.
Her concern and affection are still ignored and cast away.
Her interests and preferences are blindly avoided.

Over and over, she is being questioned;
“why do you need to study?”
You are a girl and your need to
stay at home to cook, scrub and clean the floor.

It’s time for us to rebel, pay back and fight.
It’s time for all the wrong things to be right.
And make them realize that there is no difference between a boy and girl
It’s just the difference they make.

Strike a note, if there are no girls in the
present there is no one in the future.
Therefore, listen clearly;
She is a blessing, not a burden.

Leya Ann Shaji
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