Marvellous Virtual Universal Children's Day at Bhavans SIS

Monday, November 23, 2020

Wishing all our children a Happy Children’s day and a time of sunshine and merriment!

Loads of joy, tons of fun, and heaps of entertaining activities had taken the air whilst teachers at Smart Indian School conducted a virtual celebration of Universal Children’s Day to promote international togetherness and awareness among children worldwide on Thursday 19 November since the original day of commemoration falls on Friday.

There have been no barriers in setting tone for any kind of celebrations at SIS, so was this day. The event started at 8:30 a.m. with a welcome address to the students of grade 1-11 presented by Miss. Mini HOD of Hindi. In view of imparting knowledge on this auspicious day, an interesting video was played, and children listened to it keenly.

This celebration was a delightful flower bed that made all the lovely kids be seated and beam ecstatically, Kids were all smiles then. A group of teachers danced colourfully, some pairs of teachers sang songs beautifully, a set of teachers played a skit amazingly. The clusters of events weren’t just the presentation by the teachers, but it was the love and care purely dedicated to all the children seated on the flower bed of smile.

Soon after the celebration in the zoom auditorium, regular classes in MS Teams had taken place and teachers conducted surprise games, quizzes, talk shows, and amusing activities, etc. in their regular classes. These fun-filled activities were reverberating the tone of reverence and love that would last incessantly. This made the virtual mode as a blissful mode.

The Directress of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Middle East sent her wishes to all the students of the school by reliving her own experiences of childhood in the video as witnessed by the students, added meaning and sunshine to the celebration.

Mr. Mahesh Iyer, Principal of Smart Indian School had wished all the students for their admirable behaviour during the program and whished them all “Happy Children’s Day” followed by a vote of thanks presented by Miss. Thushara Primary Academic Coordinator. The meeting ended at 10 a.m. with a spontaneous and graceful thanking note by Jonathan a student of grade 11.


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