The Mystery of MAKSIM

Thursday, November 19, 2020

It’s a big day of my life! I am so excited for this. The day I was waiting for the last few months. Today is the day I go for scuba diving. Our class are in Maldives for a trip. We reached two days ago and explored Maldives with our teachers. Our local guide was very friendly and made us so excited about scuba diving. Yesterday an instructor told us some rules of scuba-diving. We were called to go to the beach where the instructor waited for us. The instructor said, “Thumbs up for going back to the surface, thumbs down to descend, put your hand on your chest to show that something is wrong and OK hand to show that you are okay.” Then he took us to a room with all the equipment. After showing us and teaching us about them he said, “Tomorrow at 10 am we would go scuba diving. I will take you to the place from where we will dive tomorrow.”

And today we would go underwater! I brought an underwater camera to take pictures. There would be many colorful fish. I went to the place where the instructor and the teacher waited for us. When everyone reached, they took us to the equipment room and helped us wear them. After getting ready we were taken to the place from which we would go to the boat to dive.

The instructor divided the whole class into groups of 5 children. As I was so excited, I somehow managed to be in the first five! When the boat came we entered the boat and were taken to the diving place. After reaching the place one by one dived in. Some kids were scared but eventually did it. When we were underwater I saw so many beautiful corals and a school of anchovies. There were many types of colorful fish and a few dolphins. There were many small fish and I took a lot of pictures. We saw many kinds of fish we didn’t even know. That’s when we descended to see other creatures. We saw an octopus and a few jellyfish and kept a distance away from these creatures. Then something caught our eyes. Our class spotted a boat which sunk. We went deeper to see the boat carefully, our supervisors didn’t see us going near the boat. Before we could reach the boat a few jellyfish surrounded us. To stay safe we all came together and the last thing I remember is dark ink surrounding us!


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