Personalized Goodies for Diwali

Tia Rachel George
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Diwali aka Deepavali aka Light is just what we need right now. As quoted by Martin Luther King, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.” Diwali is a ray of hope amidst this pandemic, a sign of ‘Good over Evil’ and 'Light over Darkness’. We decorate our homes with diyas, candles and rangolis. The color and festivities of the season just like other Indian festivals like Holi, Christmas and Dussehra helps us to set our vows aside and be grateful for what we have.

Diwali being the season of giving, we scavenge high and low for the best gifts possible. Over the years, we have become quite materialistic and often forget that it is the thought that matters. Especially during this pandemic situation, we can try our hand at homemade gifts. We can use this opportunity to enhance our skills by cooking, baking, etc. Who can ever resist the scrumptious gulab jamuns or handmade ladoos though they might be far from anything spherical. Also, we can utilize this time to augment our creativity by reusing certain homely articles, to make jewellery, cards, etc. that will surely bring a smile on the receiving end.

Oh! We can even wrap the gifts with a piece of our heart too. After all, first impression is the best impression. So, what are our options? Buy gift wrapper from the closest store or order online? Nope! Too risky with coronavirus lurking around. So, the best option would be to repurpose old gift wrappers, make collage with colored papers, make paper bags, etc. Let’s gets our grey cells working and hands dirty. Additionally, it gives us the opportunity to engage our family members and learn from each other. Let’s wear our thinking hats and create wealth out of waste.

It’s time to take courage in both hands, exploit our resources instead of whiling it away and create some magnificent gifts this Diwali. By doing so, we are not just caring for others, but also caring for ourselves. We don’t need to venture outside and endanger ourselves, instead we can stay aboard our safe havens, hone our skills and engage in family activities. Off course while visiting near and dear ones, we need to maintain safety measures and limit ourselves to close family and friends alone.

Wish everyone a blessed and rejuvenating Diwali!!

Tia Rachel George
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